Seminar on education and earthquake risk management

We are pleased to announce that Dr Amod Dixit, Director of Nepal Society of Earthquake Technology (NSET) and Niva Upreti, NSET, are delivering a talk on Educating the Vulnerable Population for Earthquake Risk Reduction: Lessons from Nepal’s Earthquake in 2015 at University College London on 13th Sep 2017. The seminar will be held in Room 728 at 5:30pm – 7:30pm, 20 Bedford Way WC1H 0AL.
The Society of Nepalese Professionals UK and Society of Nepalese Engineers – UK are supporting the event.
SONP-UK has previously organised similar events and always committed to supporting Nepal’s post-earthquake rebuilding. It will also be continuation of our previous events.
We are planning to have a networking and social after the talk.
The event will be telecast live.
The seminar is free but we request you to register following the link below and clicking on ‘Register to Attend’. It is easy.